X Editor메인 Options

X Editor메인 설정 옵션

Name Type Default(value) Description
lang String 'ko','en' 툴팁의 언어 설정
readOnly booleantrue, false 에디터 입력을 disabled할지 여부
isTooltip booleantrue, false 메뉴의 툴팁 사용 여부
isSpellcheck booleantrue, false 맞춤법 검사기능 사용 여부
placeholder String '' placeholder Text
height String PX, %, VH 에디터 높이: calc(100vh - 100px) or 500px or 50%
width String PX, %, VW 에디터 넓이: calc(100vw - 50px ) or 500px or 50%
mapSetting: {}defaultProviderString 'OpenLayers' 'Google','Naver','Kakao','OpenLayers'
markerIcon String mark icon
markerWidth String mark icon Width
markerHeight String mark icon Height
startLat Long 지도의 기본 위치 GPS Latitude(위도)
startLng Long 지도의 기본 위치 GPS Longitude(경도)
Provider {} { 'Google': true, 'Naver': true, 'Kakao': true, 'OpenLayers': true }
modules: {} syntax booleantrue, false highlightjs Library의 사용 여부
formula booleantrue, false KaTeX Math library 사용 여부
toolbar [] [toolbar option] 사용할 Toolbar의 기능을 추가/삭제 한다

Map Setting - Map Provider


  <!-- ###### [Map Google] ##### -->
  <script async defer    type="text/javascript"  src="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=[ YourAppKEY ]&callback=initMapGoogle®ion=kr&senser=true"></script>          

  <!-- ###### [Map Kakao] ##### -->
  <script                type="text/javascript"  src="//dapi.kakao.com/v2/maps/sdk.js?appkey=[ YourAppKEY ]&libraries=services,clusterer,drawing"></script>
  <!-- ###### [Map Naver] ##### -->
  <script                type="text/javascript"  src="https://openapi.map.naver.com/openapi/v3/maps.js?ncpClientId=[ YourAppKEY ]&submodules=geocoder"></script>



1. syntax - Language Code Highlight Library
  <script type="text/javascript"  src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.2.0/build/highlight.min.js"></script>
  <link   rel="stylesheet"       href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.2.0/build/styles/a11y-dark.min.css">


2. formula - KaTeX - Math library

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.13.13/katex.min.css"              integrity="sha512-BiJq/S3Wl+GAHtgicWXCK4s+FLFRsDyDkBz8jFfSC5ZlZ45FPlsqc8xB4UUlKUOyVX7iq2xEoOJGKNcW98rQdA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
  <!-- The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering -->
  <script                 src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.13.13/katex.min.js"               integrity="sha512-TFaeuT3cYzCD8XaZh7t7f+e7AdCB3SuAvV4hEPwhysrbHSK0SXUhXJfv53fnWCMWmw2/uMHgxuzSlcrW+4PSdg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
  <!-- To automatically render math in text elements, include the auto-render extension: -->
  <script                 src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.13.13/contrib/auto-render.min.js" integrity="sha512-CzIEOUs11SQ7tekLhEe5gil9kDip4RTJZVf7pSjlxOdVaYYHEcQflhunPz2Q/onNC4slL9jpKjvNgzPAAxEpew==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

3. [ Toolbar ] - Toolbar Options Add
 [ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'clean', 'blockquote', 'link', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'upload', 'formula', 'map' ]

X Editor 툴바 Options

X Editor 툴바 설정 옵션

Icon Name Type Default(value) Description
'bold' N/A N/A
'italic' N/A N/A
'underline' N/A N/A
'strike' N/A N/A
'clean' N/A N/A
'link' N/A N/A
'image' N/A N/A
'video' N/A N/A
'audio' N/A N/A
'upload' N/A N/A
'formula' N/A N/A
'map' N/A N/A
'blockquote' N/A N/A
'code-line' N/A N/A
'code-block' N/A N/A
{ 'header' : } Number 1
{ 'header' : } Number 2
{ 'list' : } String 'ordered'
{ 'list' : } String 'bullet'
{ 'script' : } String 'sub'
{ 'script' : } String 'super'
{ 'indent' : } String '+1'
{ 'indent' : } String '-1'
{ 'direction' : } String 'rtl'
{ 'color' : [] } Array[] [null] Picker - font color
{ 'background': [] } Array[] [null] Picker - font background color
{ 'table' : [] } Array[] [null] Picker - table
{ 'align' : [] } Array[String] ['center', 'right', 'justify'] DropDown - align
{ 'size' : [] } Array[String] ['small', 'large', 'huge'] DropDown - size
{ 'header' : [] } Array[Number] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] DropDown - header
{ 'font' : [] } Array[String] ['Serif','Monospace','Arial','Verdana'] DropDown - font

X Editor Options 예시

X Editor Options 전체 예시

var xeditorOptions = {
                       lang          : 'ko'  ,
                       isTooltip     : true  ,
                       readOnly      : false ,
                       isSpellcheck  : true  ,
                       placeholder   : 'Input Youer Contents...',  
                       height        : 'calc(100vh - 70px)' , minHeight : '100PX', maxHeight: '90VH' ,
                       width         : '100%', minWidth  : '300PX', maxWidth : '100%' ,
                       mapSetting    : { defaultProvider: 'OpenLayers', 
                                         markerIcon     : '',
                                         markerWidth    : '26',
                                         markerHeight   : '50',
                                         startLat       : 0,
                                         startLng       : 0,
                                         Provider       : {'Google':true, 'Naver' :true, 'Kakao' :true, 'OpenLayers':true }
                                       } ,
                       modules       : {
                                          syntax : true,
                                          formula: true,
                                          toolbar: [
                                                     'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'clean', 
                                                     'link', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'upload', 
                                                     'formula', 'map', 
                                                     'blockquote', 'code-line', 'code-block',
                                                     { 'header'    : 1        },
                                                     { 'header'    : 2        },
                                                     { 'list'      : 'ordered'},
                                                     { 'list'      : 'bullet' },
                                                     { 'script'    : 'sub'    },
                                                     { 'script'    : 'super'  },
                                                     { 'indent'    : '+1'     },
                                                     { 'indent'    : '-1'     },
                                                     { 'direction' : 'rtl'    },
                                                     { 'color'     : []       },
                                                     { 'background': []       },
                                                     { 'table'     : []       },
                                                     { 'align'     : ['center', 'right', 'justify'] }          ,
                                                     { 'size'      : ['small', 'large', 'huge' ]    }          ,
                                                     { 'header'    : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]             }          ,
                                                     { 'font'      : ['Serif','Monospace','Arial','Verdana'] } ,
var xeditor        = new Xeditor(document.body.querySelector('#xeditorEX'), xeditorOptions);

X Editor Options 툴바 Group 메뉴 설정 예시

var xeditorOptions = {
                       lang          : 'ko'  ,
                       isTooltip     : true  ,
                       readOnly      : false ,
                       isSpellcheck  : true  ,
                       placeholder   : 'Input Youer Contents...',  
                       height        : 'calc(100vh - 70px)' , minHeight : '100PX', maxHeight: '90VH' ,
                       width         : '100%', minWidth  : '300PX', maxWidth : '100%' ,
                       mapSetting    : { defaultProvider: 'OpenLayers', 
                                         markerIcon     : '',
                                         markerWidth    : '26',
                                         markerHeight   : '50',
                                         startLat       : 0,
                                         startLng       : 0,
                                         Provider       : {'Google':true, 'Naver' :true, 'Kakao' :true, 'OpenLayers':true }
                                       } ,
                       modules       : {
                                          syntax : true,
                                          formula: true,
                                          toolbar: [
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'clean'
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       'link', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'upload'
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       'formula', 'map'
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       'blockquote', 'code-line', 'code-block'
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       { 'header'    : 1        },
                                                       { 'header'    : 2        },
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       { 'list'      : 'ordered'},
                                                       { 'list'      : 'bullet' },
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       { 'script'    : 'sub'    },
                                                       { 'script'    : 'super'  },
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       { 'indent'    : '+1'     },
                                                       { 'indent'    : '-1'     },
                                                       { 'direction' : 'rtl'    },
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       { 'color'     : []       },
                                                       { 'background': []       },
                                                       { 'table'     : []       },
                                                     [ //Menu Group
                                                       { 'align'     : ['center', 'right', 'justify'] }          ,
                                                       { 'size'      : ['small', 'large', 'huge' ]    }          ,
                                                       { 'header'    : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]             }          ,
                                                       { 'font'      : ['Serif','Monospace','Arial','Verdana'] } ,
var xeditor        = new Xeditor(document.body.querySelector('#xeditorEX'), xeditorOptions);

X Editor Options 툴바 Single 메뉴 설정 예시

var xeditorOptions = {
                       lang          : 'ko'  ,
                       isTooltip     : true  ,
                       readOnly      : false ,
                       isSpellcheck  : true  ,
                       placeholder   : 'Input Youer Contents...',  
                       height        : 'calc(100vh - 70px)' , minHeight : '100PX', maxHeight: '90VH' ,
                       width         : '100%', minWidth  : '300PX', maxWidth : '100%' ,
                       mapSetting    : { defaultProvider: 'OpenLayers', 
                                         markerIcon     : '',
                                         markerWidth    : '26',
                                         markerHeight   : '50',
                                         startLat       : 0,
                                         startLng       : 0,
                                         Provider       : {'Google':true, 'Naver' :true, 'Kakao' :true, 'OpenLayers':true }
                                       } ,
                       modules       : {
                                          syntax : true,
                                          formula: true,
                                          toolbar: [
                                                       'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'clean' ,
                                                       'link', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'upload' ,
                                                       'formula', 'map' ,
                                                       'blockquote', 'code-line', 'code-block' ,
                                                       { 'header'    : 1        },
                                                       { 'header'    : 2        },
                                                       { 'list'      : 'ordered'},
                                                       { 'list'      : 'bullet' },
                                                       { 'script'    : 'sub'    },
                                                       { 'script'    : 'super'  },
                                                       { 'indent'    : '+1'     },
                                                       { 'indent'    : '-1'     },
                                                       { 'direction' : 'rtl'    },
                                                       { 'color'     : []       },
                                                       { 'background': []       },
                                                       { 'table'     : []       },
                                                       { 'align'     : ['center', 'right', 'justify'] }          ,
                                                       { 'size'      : ['small', 'large', 'huge' ]    }          ,
                                                       { 'header'    : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]             }          ,
                                                       { 'font'      : ['Serif','Monospace','Arial','Verdana'] } ,
var xeditor        = new Xeditor(document.body.querySelector('#xeditorEX'), xeditorOptions);

Name Type Size